
Why do I always fall asleep when I read?

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I can't even read the comics in the newspaper. A page out of a book is tuff, and I dose off at every paragraph. I had a LOT of trouble in school with this, I would either dose off or daydream like crazy. I remember taking tests and waking up to the sound of my pencil hitting the floor. But I can read all day on a computer, why? What the heck is wrong with me, I have a subscribtion to field and stream that was a gift and It takes forever to read 1 magazine, let alone 12.




  1. Because reading can get pretty boring sometimes. ^_^

  2. wow you are like my longlost twin i am JUST like you!!!!

    i think it's because in my mind i know books are boring and i am pretty straightforward about things that's why i hate reading books because i can't STAND the unecessary extra details!!! also when i am doing my tests i always daydream but that's because i think my body was all stressed before it but now that i am doing it and i think it's easy so i start to calm down and i think that's how i react to it i just start to daydream because happy thoughts releases seratonin in my brain which is the "happy" chemical

    you not paying attention could be because when you were young you were never encouraged by your parents to read..i find it to be true because i never read when i was young but my little sister always did and she is now a massive nerd who loves to read i mean good for her but i envy her and how she can actually read a whole book without getting bored

    another factor could be that you are a visual learner and because the internet has all these crazy colorfull images that attract your attention and also because the text is written differently with special effects added and also you have the liberty to do whatever you want in case you don't understand like with a single click you can open to look up a word and also you don't feel like you are tied to one single 3 dimensional object (a book) that is really not could also be because you like unpredictable things and the internet is pretty wide and unpredictable whereas books and newspapers you know that everytime you flip the page it will look just like the one before it and really you couldn't be bothered about what this author has to say ..

    ALso there is another reason and that is you could have a very high ACTIVE imagination meaning you are always stressed and concerned and always thinking about things

    for me i don't like reading books because i couldn't be bothered about some lonely old guy's imagination about some random story that they decided to write because they thought it was interesting ..for me i like to always go wild in my imagination it can take me pretty far and it always interests me and it always makes me happy and so far it hasn't failed me that's why i don't think i will be making a trip to the library anytime soon because for now i have my imagination that will keep me entertained for years!!!

    best wishes

  3. The trouble is that when you read you go through seeing in front of your mind eye what you are reading and this make you dose and you fall asleep but on the computer it dose not happen cause yiu are not using your imagination at all

  4. You are probably bored with school life and the home work that you need to do.The reason why you do not fall asleep in front of the computer is because you can always change to a more int resting link when you get bored.Try to sleep and have good rest before starting to read and do school work..sometimes the brain refuse to accept task because it is rest.Use the FREE formula...F.. focus R...have good rest ..E..Exercise and let the blood flow in your vanes and wet your brain with oxygen.. good food with enough nutrition to give you energy and have some food for the brain.

  5. It's like a drug to me, too ! Even the computer puts me to sleep.I think maybe it has something to do with the eye muscles, or (narcolepsy) !

  6. ADD

  7. Because your eyes are so focused on the words, (they strain too much to try and see the little tiny words), where as, if you look closley at a computer screan its made of all diffrent types of colours and pixles, that move. in a book, its mainly 3 pixles, and its not moving.

  8. I don't know, I'm afraid.

    Could be ADHD, ADD, dyslexia... or an outright hatred of books and periodicals.

  9. You don't find books exiting, and you're pretty normal from this point of view. Computers are the new books.

  10. I do too. I ALWAYS fall asleep when i read.

    It's because you just get really relaxed and into the story.

  11. yeah, sounds a bit like add.  or maybe you just aren't so bored by what you read on the computer/

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