
Why do I always feel this way? <10 points>

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I posted this question before but no one answered so:

Whenever I start liking someone and they play kinda hard to get it gets me going and I want it more.

But once I get the feeling or I KNOW that they like me I start loosing interest?




  1. you might be insecure of yourself and you want to know that someone likes you and you have control over the situation.  

  2. my friend is the exact same way as you .

    When she likes someone its fun and everything like you said

    but once she has them and is with them she doesnt like them anymore .

    I think its because your not ready for a comitment in a relationship

    or you just like the stage of a crush just like me .

    you want excitment and it gives you a challenge when your always trying to get them to notice you or stuff like that , like i the stage where your all flirty with them , but once it becomes big and you guys are together it just gets boring , theres no excitment , you dont really need flirt or do all that stuff to get them to like you because you already have them and everything.

    UGGHH i dont think that made scense LOOOl but nee ways hope it help atleast some

  3. in that case i think you are just infactuating

  4. You get the burst of emotions aand flirtations because it&#039;s new and exciting. Once it begins to get old you want something more exciting.

  5. Because you&#039;re a teenager. Its pretty impossible to have 1 person you like your whole life. You have plenty of time to have boyfriends so don&#039;t worry.

  6. Alot of girls actually like guys who play hard to get because it makes them wonder what to do to win him over  i used to be the same way i would go for the rough guys that didnt seem to be all into just me and i loved it because it just made me feel even more attracted to them when you have something just given to you you dont want it as much as something that isnt given to you its hard to explain this answer lol but i used to date a guy that wouldnt kiss me alot and hold my hand are show me any attention when i wanted it and for some reason it just made me like him even more but i dated a guy before that would show me to much attention and kinda groped me and i hated it! i guess its just a way of expressing yourself  

  7. Because you haven&#039;t meet the one that you will really love

  8. It sounds like you are looking for the excitement of the &quot;chase&quot;, and maybe not what the reward is.  You may be afraid of what could come next if you both like each other, and you may need to just work through this fear/though that something could go wrong or maybe they aren&#039;t right for you.

  9. well your one of those people who only wants what they can&#039;t have and runs away from anything thats real! so enjoy spending your life ALONE!

  10. you are just challeged that&#039;s why you want it more... but when they like you back already there&#039;s no more thrill i guess?

  11. I know what you mean...Sometimes its more fun to play hard to get, or flirt, or whatever rather than to actually commit to someone. Its just your personality, you can&#039;t help that.

  12. it&#039;s normal. You like the challenge of getting someone maybe more than u like 2 actually get the person

  13. well im 14 and no expert but id say you like a challenge  

  14. Women are experts at seduction. You are learning the limits. Men respond unconsciously to hundreds of nuances of women.

    My advice:

    You are a controlling person. Where did you learn that? (Parents); never control a man, it&#039;s the biggest turn off, unless he&#039;s dumb as an ox.

    Just be yourself and don&#039;t read into anything. The right guy will be attracted to your genuine nature.

  15. i think that you just dont like the attention or after a while u been trying to get there attention and then you give up wen they tryto get ur attention..u just have mixed emotions hun:)

  16. maybe you got what you need already, thats why

    But you WILL find someone that you will stick with and have the same feelings Always

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