At first, I thought it was acid reflux disease, but now I'm not so sure, and I'm really freaking out. Ever since I can remember, whenever I ate, it was like I would throw up a little bit in my mouth. It gets worse whenever I eat anything with milk in it or drink milk. It's not like it would come up and I had to throw it up, like when you throw up, you can't stop it. It's not like that. It just... comes in my mouth, and most of the time, I have to (I know this is gross), swallow it. It's sometimes an acidy taste, which made me think it was acid reflux, but it's not always like that. Please help me. What's wrong with me? If it is acid reflux disease, how do I stop it? My mom gave me these chewables when I told her, and she suspected it was acid reflux, but they didn't work. They just came back up, too! Please help!!