
Why do I always have to start the conversation?

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i am always the one that has to say the first thing to my friends and girls. If I don't say anything, I probably won't talk the whole day. How can I be the person who everyone starts conversations with?




  1. oops! u did it again! Idk y that is, you are just more outgoing than the rest of them. Look on it as a gift.

  2. Hello Jerry

    Good Day for you. I am your Friend. I want to Conversation with you.

    Please do follow the points in Daily life

    1. Be as pessimist in life.

    2.Think possitively

    3.Talk any persons for a Help or Idea or a Address or a Book.

    4.Try to to talk to your Neighbour or Shop owner or vendor.

      You will centainly get some information.

    5.Some times you may face bitter experince during Conversation with some body. Do not bother. Just forgive and forget it forever.

    6.Before doing conversation, think a outline in your mind and feel that Conversation ends in good mannar.

    So Do not wait. Conversation is Good and Best.

  3. just imagine what it would be like if no one started the conversation it would be really dull the world would be really dull good for you for having the ability to stand up and get things started

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