
Why do I always seem to daydream in my Geometry and English II classes?

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I always seem to find myself daydreaming in those classes. I'm failing my geometry class, but not my english II class. Could this be a sign of me being full of myself, me growing up, me not caring, or what????? By the way, the teachers are SOMEWHAT boring...........




  1. It is tough to pay attention to things that are not eye catching or keep you on your toes these days. Perhaps Geometry is not your strong suit and so it does not hold your attention all that well. PLUS..spring fever is hitting everyone and we ALL cannot wait until Summertime hits. It's time for a break and we are all starting to feel it. Get yourself a spray bottle with some cold water and when you catch yourself day dreaming, spray yourself in the face for a bit of a wake up. *SMILES*..summer will be here sooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnn!!

  2. hahah somewhat? or just plain boring?! LOL maybe geometry is not your thang' naw' mean? hahahaha

  3. It's probably the techniques that the teachers use to teach the subject. They bring the information across in a boring way, which makes you dislike the subject. Maybe revision with friends will help.

  4. You might be careless about the classes to some extent, but I am too. We are doing the normal thing for teenagers.

  5. well the first thing is, get more sleep

    sleep early, wake up later, sleep so early that you wake up naturally and don't need an alarm

    once you get maximum sleepy, a good breakfast is a must

    also don't eat/drink shortfire foods/drinks, go with longer lasting, energy boosting, healthier foods

    taking a shower will also keep u fresh

    if you still feel sleepy, then either you find the subject boring, don't understand it (and have a desire then not to), you are maybe alone int he class (no1 to talk to) etc....

  6. Its surely because u r bored . These r important classes so just B4 u attend 1  wash your face thoroughly and let some of the water remain .This really helps Try it

  7. Don't freak out, they're just boring classes. It's normal, just bring those grades up! :)

  8. that tells y you always daydreaming in geometry and english 2 class. its because theyre the 2 boring classes ever. i remember daydreaming in them classes too and when the teacher ask me a question i dont know. hmm good luck in geometry

  9. Boring teachers will not make a good excuse when u apply for a job. Many of the good Co. actually go back to high school to see a pattern. If u want to become an expert on the end of a shovel ,getting minimal wages just go to sleep.

  10. It could be the lack of oxygen or a bad environment.

    "Common indoor plants may provide a valuable weapon in the fight against rising levels of indoor air pollution. Those plants in your office or home are not only decorative, but NASA scientists are finding them to be surprisingly useful in absorbing potentially harmful gases and cleaning the air inside modern buildings."

    "NASA research has consistently shown that living, green and flowering plants can remove several toxic chemicals from the air in building interiors. You can use plants in your home or office to improve the quality of the air to make it a more pleasant place to live and work - where people feel better, perform better, any enjoy life more."

  11. it might be on the time you eat.

    is your math before you eat and english after you eat.

    drink something healthy like orange juice to keep you awake in math.



    try vitalert


  13. You just don't care

  14. if you focused on those classes and applied yourself you would see how fun they can be and there for will stop day dreaming

    when is school you much learn to like what your taking because its not like they give you a choose

    maybe getting a tutor good luck on passing

  15. It's hard to pay attention in classes that you're not interested in, especially if your teachers are boring. I don't think anything is wrong with you. Just try to concentrate in these two classes as hard as you can, and soon you'll be getting better grades.

  16. bored. bored to death.

  17. Chances are that you are taking the classes because they are a requirement for a degree.  The classes are of no basic interest to you and you just want to get them over.  Certainly, boring teachers do not help the situation.  So, not caring is partly the problem.  You need to see the importance these classes play in earning your degree.

    It would help to see if you can sit in the front of the class.  It is much harder to daydream there.

  18. Sounds like the classes just aren't sparking your interest.  Try taking notes if you want to concentrate more.

  19. is because your classes are boring dude...i always daydream about fine girs at my algebra and englis and history

  20. Hi,

    Which school are you studying?

    But anyway leave that,

    It is the matter of fact why the class is boring, you daydream and who makes the class boring your surrondings and a boring teacher (Not all teachers are boring, in fact i'm some of the teacher's pet). Ugly Boring Surronding+Boring teacher+Boring Subject= a boring class = makes you day dream. I'm Grade 7 or 1st year HS.My advice is concentrater on the subject, because when the teacher asks you a question, you wont able to answer and you have to deal with it, Gud luck.

  21. Possibly you find it boring

  22. Perhaps you stay up a little late at night, and it catches up to you in these classes, especially if your teachers are somewhat boring!!?

  23. you could be tired and therefore daydream. Or maybe the class is just boring

  24. i do the same thing in my geometry class. My teacher is so boring and puts me to sleep like literally. I sit in the back of the class with a guy and a girl and veryday we zone out and fall to sleep and then our class makes fun of us for it. That class is just so boring. But for my English II honors, i cant. My teacher is soooo strict. I i were to look out in the hall my teacher would give a a central detention-seriously. she had to pick the class with no windows so no student will get distracted. OWW that class gives me the chills

  25. its probably because the class is boring...

  26. Couple of factors there: 1) not getting enough sleep 2) not eating a good breakfast

    Daydreaming in English class could be argued as a good thing: it says that you have a creative mind (natural poet or writer). Argue that one with your instructor.

    As for geometry, just say that you were busy dreaming about the Platonic solids

  27. oh, ask the teachers to do something else interesting, you are just getting bored, and the others too. you can ask out your teacher, that's part of their work, and if you dont get to understand and learn what they're teaching, then they're screwed up

  28. i experienced that too and it's really depends on several factors.. first, it could be that you excel in english, that this subject is somewhat fun for you (it is for me) and that geometry bores you to death (me too...) because you just can't understand figures, shapes and numbers. I'm a psychology major and there's this theory about multiple intelligences by some guy named howard gardner and it says one can be intelligent in logical thinking (that's the math) but be a little ditzy on the language intelligence (that's the english).. most people who are bored by geometry usually have fun in english and those people who manage to be active during geometry or algebra seem to be bored by english or other subjects.

    that or you just lacked sleep the night before. have a nice day. (",)

  29. if ur not interested in wut ur learning it will be very hard to focuss.but just try.i had the same problems so sometimes when i noticed i was slipping off into daydream land i would poke my leg with my pencil but not like a stab just a smart poke to make me focuss.eventually u wont want to daydream anymore.its hard but just think that if u pass it u wont have to see them will b worth it

  30. You find the classes boring.

    I've also noticed that some people tend to fade out at certain times of day. Are the two classes right after eachother?

  31. Ok, well funny you say that. One room I'm wide awake, another I'm tired. Maybe you just bored and the teachers don't know how to hold your attention. It could just be the room, lack of colour, lack of fresh air, bad vibes ect.

    You have to try to think of someway to keep yourself focus - lol try fish oil, works for kids (not saying your a kid)  :)

    Ok found this site put please refer to it as it's too mch to post on here. Here are the tips they are saying to use;

    1. Take a Mint or Gum

    2. Drink Something

    3. Move Around

    4. Make it Engaging

    5. Open a Window ( lol see fresh air is needed - what I said before)

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