
Why do I always turn red even when I'm not really even embarrassed?

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I have a problem. This year I'm going into high school, 9th grade. I am so scared because I guess we'll have to do many presentations in front of the classes. Whenever I go in front of class, my face tuns totally red. Most of the time, I'm really not even embarrassed. I've tried breathing deep before I present, but that doesn't seem to work. My friends make fun of me for it. Not in a mean, way... but they kinda make me feel bad about it. Also, if I'm over at my friends house (she has an older brother), whenever her brother comes into the room, I turn red. I don't even like him! Because of this, I can't talk to barely any guys It really doesn't help when people point it out, either, because that makes me redder. I can always feel when I'm turning red because my face feels very hot. If I am presenting in a group, it's fine. Is there a name for this? It's been happening since about 4th grade. If you have any tips, please tell me! Do you think I could talk to my teachers about this? Would they let me present it to just them, before of after school? I am actually very scared t present in front of people. Part of it I think is stage fright, but I think that there is more to this...?

I relate to most of the people on this fourm:

Thank you!




  1. It is part of having anxiety. Talk to your GP about it he should be able to help.

  2. I have the same problem. It is a mild case of social phobia. It can be treated through mediation, therapy and talk to friends and family to try and overcome this phobia.

    Stop thinking about your face turning red, or else it will get worse.

    I was a freshman in high school last year, and I didn't have to present a lot in class.

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