
Why do I cry before me and my boyfriend have s*x? ?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes I think its because I feel so unattractive and he deserves better. I love him so much so I know its not because lack of feelings. I am just afraid he is going to get tired of it and not want to even try having s*x with me. I want to but when it gets to that point I would rather lay there and have him hold me. What's wrong?




  1. you may need therapy.. I've never done that but have heard some people do. You may have an emotional issue you need to deal with.  Your boyfriend will most likely get sick of that.

  2. You need him to commit to marriage to you. s*x without commitment always hurts sooner or later.

  3. Because you know that just because you are having s*x doesn't mean you love each other.  You say you love him, but it must feel to you that he is not loving you well by having s*x with you ... You must feel somewhere in your heart that instead of gaining something from doing that with him, that he is taking away from you.  It does not sound like you feel loved and more full when you are having s*x but rather empty and possibly stolen from and disrespected.  The questions you have to ask yourself are what it means that you don't feel entirely positive about being with him that way, and what you are going to do about it.

    =(  I'm sorry.

  4. yew not happy wit relationship

  5. b cuz u know tht it is the wrong thing to do and u do it anyway

  6. I would strongly suggest you see a counselor and explore these feelings.  It certainly sounds as if you are feeling very down about yourself and having s*x with someone while you are feeling this way is hard on you.  Take a break from this; s*x is not a healthy thing for you right now.  I would hope your boyfriend is seeing how stressful the situation is on you and that he will back off on such situations until you come to a more healthy place in your life about it.  I am worried that if you continue to be sexually active when you are so upset and distraught it will impact your ability to connect with someone intimately in a healthy way down the road.  By addressing it with a counselor you will be able to get yourself back on track and in a place where you appreciate all you have to offer within yourself.  Take care of YOU first, and worry about a boyfriend later.  

  7. you probably too young.

  8. your insecure about yourself then... but for whatever reason .. he likes you .. ask him why he likes you so you know.. and you become more secure about yourself

  9. It sounds like you have self-esteem issues. The one thing that will turn a guy off is a girl who complains and cries about her body. Believe it or not, but women notice more flaws about themselves than men do. Men don't pay attention at all. I'm a little thick, and i'm 5'4, and I have some stretch marks, not bad ones, but who doesn't, and my dude still tells me i'm s**y and beautiful. Just look at the bright side, you have a great guy, who loves you, and at least touches you and doesn't treat you like a disease.

    s*x is supposed to be about making eachother happy and reaching that higher level of companionship and love, not just about you and your image. Trust me, he may not admit it, but he probably has things about himself that he thinks is not attractive, but you probably don't see him crying over it. It's probably because he knows that you love him regardless of them, and i'm sure he's the same way towards you. He apparantly loves you for you. Trust me, to him, you're the sexiest thing on this God Green Earth.

    Just enjoy the intimacy, it's such a beautiful thing to have with someone you love, and don't think about how you look, I used to do that, and he finally just sat me down one day and told me that he does love me for my body, but he especially loves me because of my personality, my smile, laugh, attitude, and my down to earthness. If it will make you feel better, sit him down and ask him what qualities it is about you he likes. And as him what he doesn't like his self.

    Don't beat yourself up because you don't fit in a size 2 or that you're not a model ready for the cat walk. I'm sorry, but I wouldn't want to look like one of those Anorexic women anyway. Women were not made to look like Barbie dolls. If all women looked exactly the same, life would be very boring.

    Good luck, and find the joy in your life and relationship. Try to love you for who you are. Make a list of qualities about yourself that you do like. There is always something about yourself that you like. If anything, you could do this with your dude. He could help you do the list so you could see all the great things that you are. You will feel sooo much better!! I'm sure of it.

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