
Why do I do fine on the driving range but play like c**p on the golf course???

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I always hit fairly straight when I'm practicing on the driving range, but when I get on the golf course I either top all the balls or shank them or grab a bucket full of sod before I get to the ball, ending up with a 5 ft. shot. Why can't I get consistent?




  1. Most likely it is your mental state.  Your comfort zone is on the driving range, and when you are on the course, you are under more pressure to hit an accurate, or distance controlled shot.  

    If you are hitting well on the range, but are shanking, topping, and hitting the ball fat on the course, try slowing down your swing and not try to 'hit' the ball.  The more you try to hit the ball to achieve what you want the ball to do, the worse the shot because your muscles are tensed and probably are firing in the wrong order or timing.  Just do your normal swing, let the club to its job for you.

    2 methods to help you in this situations.  

    (1) Develop a pre-shot routine that you'll use both on the range and on the course.  Maybe just as simple as 2 practice swings, or more elaborate as eyeing the target from behind the ball, mental thoughts, practice swings...etc.  What the pre-shot routine will do is put you in the SAME state of mind in both places because it provides a lead-in to your actual swing.

    (2) Before you play your round, get a small bucket of balls and hit them on the range first.  This will relax you a bit and get your body's muscles in sync.  When you get on to the course, keep those good swing memories with you from the driving range and don't try to force the ball.

    Hope this helps.

  2. get your self some good clubs go to

  3. Because you always want to see the ball in the air.  What you are forgetting is to stay down and watch yourself hit the ball.  You'll have time to see the ball in the air.  Quit "sneaking a peek" before you make contact with the ball.  Develop a pre-shot routine if you haven't all ready and do it every time before each shot and you'll start to become more consistent.  

  4. On the range you are hitting balls. Often you are swinging fairly hard but you are not developing a swing plane which you need to hit the ball consistently. If you have interest in the game take a couple of lessons in the basics of the golf swing and then get to the course and practice what you were taught. Do it properly and golf will be a sport you can do the rest of your life.

  5. On the range youre practicing and hitting countless balls at a time, on the course you get one shot hence the pressure.  Staying loose and relaxing will help.  I agree with the other posts, that you need to prepare mentally.  Topping the ball, or hitting the ground before the ball, may be occuring b/c youre trying to hit the ball too hard or you have too much stuff in your head.  Clear your thoughts, eliminate tension and pretend you are on the range.

  6. what u need to do is hit half the balls u usually hit at the driving range at half the speed.  imagine you are on a golf course and aim at something very specific. take a practice swing, evaluate your target, then swing.  u want to try to simulate playing the golf course as much as you can. hope this helped :)

  7. You maybe practicing too much on the range and not enough on the course. There's no pressure on the range, if you have a bad shot you can just pull another ball out and have another go. You only get one shot on the course so there's more pressure. If you can while you are playing on the course imagine you are having a shot on the range and don't start thinking about everything that you need to do to have a good shot because it will make you stuff up. Good Luck.

    Have a good one...

  8. Golf is not only physical, but is also very mental. Golf, to be honest, is more mental than physical.

  9. It is very mental.  You lack committment on the course because each shot matters.  On the range, if you hit a bad shot you just reload and hit another shot with no consequences.  There is no problem committing to the shot on the range.  The driving range is like driving across a bridge.  The golf course is like driving across that same bridge without guard rails.  When you get on the course, try to tell yourself you will make the best swing you can make with absolutely no concern where the ball will go or what obstacles are in your way.  Hope it helps.

  10. Well, everyone has answered with the same info. so you should now know. Besides the mental part there is the fact that every shot at the range is from a nice flat lie. How many nice flat lies do you get on the course?

  11. When I hit from the "Matts" I always hit it straight! It seems to straighten out my club face. It bounces off the matt and hits the ball every time, if it was turf you would have hit only 50 yards!!  I wish you could carry a Matt around the Golf course!!!

  12. may be stress also are you picking a target on teh driving range cuase if not do it and soo how your hitting then

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