I'm fifteen years old and I have a two-year-old sister. Right from when she was born, I've been like a parent to her. My Mum had to go back into hospital shortly after she was born and so I was the main person looking after my sister and changing/feeding her. We've been close ever since, I frequently take her out and do things for her. And I know that I love her unconditionally, like I would my own child. I even treat her like my own child, I find myself calling her darling and beautiful all the time. She adores me and is always asking for me, always wants to be with me. I love spending time with her and taking her out. Even my Mum thinks that I'm like a third parent to her.
I've been depressed for a long time now and my little sister has been the thing I've been focusing on. I'm on anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. Over the last few months, I've started asking her things like if she hates me. She will get confused and answer yes and I will actually get upset even though I know