
Why do I fail at life so much?

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I make stupid mistakes constantly, I fail at things that others succeed at, I can't seem to do anything right and say the wrong things to people constantly. I feel like a total failure. What would cause that? My lack of sleep? ADD? OCD? Something I'm eating/not eating?




  1. I have a friend exactly like this, except his parents hate him. I'm afraid he might try to kill himself because he is alone all day with his younger brother who his parents favoritize. I don't think it is ocd unless you consider other people bad and it is definetely not add, try bipolor.

  2. You don't fail at life. You only focus on the bad and not on the good. You need to realize that suicide is a pernament solution for a temporary problem. You learn from your mistakes, so this means that this won't happen later in your life. Don't get down as much, laugh at yourself, focus on the good things in your life, etc.

    Good luck!

  3. I think you are so worried about offending someone that you say and do the wrong things. Stop and take a deep breath. Think about what you are going to say before you say it. If you can't think of anything to say it is alright to say nothing at all. Remember you are human to. People make mistakes and you will to. Don't be so hard on yourself.  

  4. You and me both, my friend.  My mother tells me I'm a failure all the time.  I don't think it's a mental disorder, I think it's just our mentality (and I don't know about you, but my outlook on life is pretty grim if I do say so myself).  The only way to cure it is to drink 'til we're unconscious, or get off our *ss and do something.

  5. It's called getting older, I believe. I'm in the same boat. I keep getting stupider and stupider with each and every passing day. Yesterday I was eating noodles. I brought the bowl out to the living room. Then went back to the kitchen for a fork. Came back and noticed I already has a fork. I've gone to the store and bought mayonnaise and when I got home saw I already had a full jar of it. Perhaps it is some form of early onset senility, Alzheimer's, or a similar form of dementia.

  6. I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling so badly. You seem to be focusing on only your mistakes. I'm sure you're doing some things right. Maybe you have a teacher or rabbi or someone else that you can talk to who can help you see what you're doing that's good. Sometimes I feel like I can't do anything right but if I take a long jog or find some other way to relax, I realize things aren't as bad as I thought. I hope you start feeling better about yourself.  

  7. "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail", but even with a good plan, you need to FOCUS on each step at the time, and not permit distractions.

    Practice one of the relaxation methods in sections 2, 11, 2c, or 2i, daily,  at This will help with instilling mindfulness: be IN the moment, not tomorrow, or last week.

    Take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or grapefruit, or their FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it. Ginkgo biloba may help, as well.

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