
Why do I fear my friend-who i love?

by Guest57954  |  earlier

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I'll try to be brief all though it never happens -_-;.

.Theres a girl Ive been friends with for 11/16 years of my life

.Three years ago I developed feelings for her

.Last summer I distanced myself from her to hide my feelings

.I havent spoken to her since febuary

.She lives 45 mins away near my summer house

.I was at the house in july and didnt see her because :

.I was and am afraid to call her or see her for some reason

.Im scared ****less since Im going back for three days sometime this week and I dont want to not see her.

.Ive been up until 3-5 am thinking about her eachnight since april.

I just need advice...or what you would do. Or similar stories or words of encouragement. Or rationalizations or just give me a thought to stave away the regret just for tonight so I can go to bed by 1 am!

*its 12:47*




  1. CALL HER. NOW! Just tell yourself "F*** IT! IM GONNA DO THIS!!"

    You have nothing to lose as long as you don't straight up tell her you have feeligns for her. Ask her how she is doing, and if you guys can hang out and w/e. After spending a couple of days with her, try telling her, but make sure you tell her that you don't want that moment and any moments after to be awkward!

  2. Shes gotta be confused,she probably wondering why you distanced yourself for her.I say you gotta call her man if she really means this much to you ,you gotta call her don't spill yourself right away maybe just ask her to hangout sometime soon.Tell her that you missed her i guarantee shes missed you too if things go good after hanging out maybe you should tell her if you feel its right.

    Good luck man don't have another restless night call her  

  3. dude, you have to step up and talk to her, I promise you everything will be fine if you do. I cant imagine why your scared of her, or why your hiding your feelings, if you have feeling for her than you have to talk to her and try to take things to the next level.

    "Leave the past in the past and find the future"

    "Better to say too much than never to say what you need to say"

    You have EVERYTHING to gain and NOTHING to lose.

    I am in a similar sham and I also havnt slept in awhile

  4. She is probably trying to figure out what she did wrong to make you hate her.  You should just go to her and apologize for ignoring her and tell her that you like her.  Be honest with her.  It is much better than treating her like you are too good for her!

  5. Just talk to her. If she is not attatched and you think you really have feelings for her go for it. Or at least see her and kind of feel the situation out and see how you feel about it then. There is no need to avoid her or make her upset because you ARE friends first and foremost. And the upside of things is that most of the times you have to be friends with someone before you can really have a great relationship. I fear that right now one of my friends is avoiding me for the same reasons you are avoiding this girl. Reading your question really made me have a "duh" moment. From the other side of the fence (the girls side) i can tell you that it is very confusing when a good friend just stops talking to matter what the reason is...because we don't know and we think that we have done something to upset or anger you in some way. She might even feel the same way. So don't count it out until you give it a genuine try.

  6. i gotta know what happened in April that caused you your sleepless nights.  why not march or june?  anyway...drink some warm milk or chamomille tea and call it a night.  she's not losing sleep over you so, give you mind a rest.  read a book or study something.  then, call her to tell her that youre gonna be there and you hope to see her.  peace

  7. I can't even imagine what she must be thinking. It's like you just took your friendship away with no explanation. How would you feel if she had done that to you? I would get her a gift (something you know she'll love), apologize profusely, and tell her why you did what you did. Whose to say she doesn't feel the same way? Don't live your life leaving all these moments of regret. It will really bother you when you get older and look back on this wondering what would of or could of happened. Hope this helps...

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