
Why do I feel dizzy sometimes??

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes I'll just get really dizzy all of a sudden and don't know why. It happens when I'm laying down, sitting up and standing up. Is there something wrong with me?




  1. Could be low blood pressure or low iron levels. I have the same symptoms, and that's what's 'wrong' with me. Eat more protein, especially red meats. (I had a hard time giving in to that, I used to be a veggettarian. I would like to remain one, but if it gets too bad I pass out, so my mum forces it on me sometimes. :) Trust me, I noticed an imediate difference when I started eating meat every once in a while. It helps.) Taking iron pills can also help if you need them. Talk to your doctor.

    EDIT - Also note that low blood pressure and poor circulation go hand-in-hand.

  2. I get dizzy too! It gets really bad, to the point where I think I'll faint. I talked to my doctor but she couldn't figure out what it was and then I asked her to test me for hypothyroidism and when she got the blood test done I had it. As ive been taking my medicine I feel so much better, and I get dizzy very rarely. Before I use to hate going to stores, parks, school, basically anywhere I thought I would get dizzy. Keep in mind that the more you panic the worse the symptoms will get. If you do get dizzy try to remain calm and carry a water bottle with u, if you feel a dizzy spell coming along sit down and drink water. Sitting will help the circulation in your legs and if your sitting you can't faint, its not possible. Thinking of that will give you relief as well. Hope this helps

  3. Have your ears checked it could be vertigo

  4. My be you are not getting enough sleep or sometimes to much sleep.

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