
Why do I feel like I have a void, or I am empty inside?

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Well, now that I just graduated high school, I have the entire summer off to myself. I work, I drive, and I have a bunch of friends, but for some reason, I feel like I'm just going through the motions, letting everything pass me by. I am signed up for college and all of that good stuff, have classes, picked, and class starts in late August. Recently, I have been having these periods of where I am very to myself, where I get very down in the gutter, and I just become in a depressed state. It's not all the time, but it is happening frequently. I am not sure if I am upset that school is over? Or I am not looking forward to starting college? Something else that I can think of is my friends. I feel like I can't connect to them the way I used to. Honestly, I feel like I am searching for something more than the life I am currently living, like there has to be something better out there for me, but I have no idea how to find it. I think about today, assess what I have done, but have no hope for the future. I get the idea that tomorrow holds nothing in store for me, or I am lacking purpose, or direction for that matter. Can someone out there give me some advice as to what I am searching for? Or am I the only one who can find it? **Confused**




  1. What you are going through is normal.  It will also happen after you graduate from college.  Its an in between time, things are changing, friendships are changing.... once you get to college and in the routine at college things will seem a bit more normal.   Right now just enjoy your friends and the summer.  I wish I could say that it will be better faster, but its one of those things that has to run through its course... Good Luck

  2. This period can be tough.  In high school, everybody tells you what to do and where to go.  And then, when college comes along, you're supposed to just know what you want to do for the rest of your life.  It's a new period of responsibility for you own self and future that can seem overwhelming.  Sometimes dreams of the future can be very big and bright, but then when that future starts to get closer to materializing, the glitter fades and reality can bite.

    Consider the possibility that you're afraid of loosing your friends, that you'll go away to college and they'll go away and it just won't be the same anymore.  It's hard to say, this lack of connection could be that you're growing apart from them or it could be you backing off because you're afraid you'll loose them, so backing off now will lessen the blow.  Just throwing out possibilities.  You have to look into your heart to find out if one of these fits.

    Do you have a woman in your life?  Some can say you can live just fine, even happier without s*x and romance.  Some say it's required for existence.  The truth is it's probably in the middle somewhere, but closer to required for existence, or at least to feel whole in life.

    But there's no doubt that you'll have to adjust to getting older.  Things WONT be the same.  That you can count on.  Maybe they can be better.  There's anxiety about an unknown future.  Depression is a sign something needs to be given up, that you need to move on, mourn a loss or something like that.  And perhaps the loss that needs to be mourned is the fact that your childhood is coming to an end very soon.

    But believe that you CAN find things that have meaning for you in this new world you're entering.  Just be sure to follow YOUR happiness, not what others say is supposed to make you happy.

  3. That's what life is dude, just killing time. We always search for something different. Bertrand Russel once wrote: "The aristocratic rebel, having enough to eat must find other reasons of discontent."

    What you are searching for is the next moment. What that moment is depends upon how you chose to perceive the events that have unfolded.

    Take a breath and sit back. Go on a random road-trip. Not a bad call to travel.

    Life is a series of moments. Soon it will pass. Enjoy the moments, take your vacations, endure your hardships. Be happy, be discontent but above all else, be free of static thought. Keep your mind wandering when your body cannot.

    Also, steady s*x is a winner.

  4. The "world" communicates that we need things to be happy. We need to give to be happy. What you think you need is what you need to give.

  5. Oh yes, we all go through this stage. Only some people go through it at an early stage, others don't until mid life or later.  You are perfectly normal.  But I think you best bet at finding your purpose is to really take this time to yourself to dig deep down on the inside and see what you are made of. What makes you excited to get out of bed? What makes you happy? Laugh? Smile? Are there any people in your life that you love to be around because they are so motivating?  

    In this process of finding yourself, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.  This will help you understand people better, so when you are around them, you will make better connections to people.  

    One of the greatest books I have read was, "The Secret" by Rhonda Burns.  I read it at a time that I was at a low, and felt trapped with no way out and I felt like there was nothing waiting for me in my future.  I had an open mind about what I was reading, and I found it changed my life.  I am so much more grateful and positive in life today.  I love to wake up in the morning with a great attitude and ready to conquer the day!  I was set free all because of my mind set.  It was that easy.  

    Thanks for reading!

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