
Why do I feel like killing myself?

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FTW: I'm not going too, i just think about it.

My life is really good in my opinion,

just a girl i cant have but everyone goes through that.

but why do people in general have thoughts of suicide?

even if things are great in their life...

and why do people actually go through with it that have great lives?

there are people on the streets/with nothing just dieing to stay alive, and then ppl that has a good life will just ruin it all.

Do you know what i'm getting at?

Why is this i wonder




  1. no one can answer that... just to let ou know, no one has a "great" life forever. everyone alwas has problems. things dont just stay great.

  2. I was gonna say you were depressed...well...I don't know...looking

    back to a few years ago...I was having the same thought...and I mean my life was was great compared w/ what other people go through...and I think back to those times...and I'm thinking why did I think I wanted to take away my life? I think the answer to that is that I just really found no no meaning at why keep living if you are going to die? I mean I don't have those thoughts anymore...I just think of life as a special gift...well maybe not like whooo! I'm alive!...but more of's great I'm in this world...let's start can I make a difference? how can I make it worth it?...

    and then finally I ask myself...if I were to many lifes would I have impacted?...

    ...well, hope you can work out all..this suicide stuff...

    but don't terminate your just sad when people do it...

    a hug from me...

  3. im sorry too say  but ,,, thats a disease i forget what its called ttho

  4. Your changing and it's just depression.  Don't worry.  And don't kill your self!

  5. I'm 49. Have had this thought since I was 5 or 6. Good ? in why. I know why I do know, but to me it would be like leaving a movie in the middle. Might get better at the end and you missed it. Why do I now. Few medical Problems. The main one I have a sleep disorder that makes me always tired. I've taken more prescription speed then any speed freak will ever think of. Still tired. My Dr. because I said depressed wanted me to go on anti-depressants. I said no, we argued. I said will they make me not sleepy, she said no. I said why do you think I'm depressed.

    I am not religious but have many beliefs. The main one "Life is a Learning lesson, learn from the bad and don't repeat it, take from the good and do repeat it."

    Some do it for attention, some can't handle the lessons. When you do life is over and will never get better. If you believe in reincarnation, well the next will be the same because you checked out early and didn't learn the lessons.

    Most people I know that know all my problems have asked me how I function with such a happy attitude with all I have.

    I know certain truths in life and what lays beyond. Could be worse could it not.

  6. there's just something missing in your life, you have to figure out what it is

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