
Why do I feel like this??

by  |  earlier

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I have always considered myself to be a person with a strong imagination. I like thinking about things and coming up with all sorts of theories. But the problem is that whenever I read someone else's opinion, I feel like I'm doing something wrong. It's almost like my subconscious automatically thinks someone else's opinion is right, and I am always wrong. I KNOW that is not right, but i can't help it.

I want to go to forums and chat with other people and stuff, but they make me feel like I'm doing everything wrong in my life and that's just not fun. So what do you people think? What caused this? What can i do to stop it?




  1. Have you ever stayed at neverland ranch?

  2. It might be a time for a change. It sounds to me like you mind is bored with what's around you and really bothered by the sense of ennui. It could also be because these days, we live in a world of such contradiction: so called honorable men cheating on their wives, wars that we are for but are sort of against, the horrible environment and wondering if it's our fault...Change can be small, like alternating your ride to work or moving....

    Sometimes the world 'talks at us' and it becomes overwhelming. I know it's difficult to keep from letting the annoying hateful ones here destroy parts of what you believe, but you have to do it. You seem like you have a great sense of self... You just need to change a little something.  

  3. Self confidence, or lack there of, is causing this. At the end of the day your opinion is just as credible as the next. Believe in your opinion and believe in yourself. Support your opinion with factual experience or evidence. Always remember to look at anothers point of view and understand them but your point of view is valid as long as it works for you and if it works for you then that is evidence enough. As for doing everything worng, surely that is down to perception. Who exactly has the rule back for life? There are no rules, only percieved rules from popular opinion. Again if it works for you and it doesnt hurt anybody else, stick with it and never change.

  4. I feel like this too sometimes.  I think the problem is, we are not allowing ourselves the ability to be different from other people.  We have to forgive ourselves for being who we are, in a way.  Once you realize that your contribution, however different, is just as important as anybody elses, you will be more at peace.

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