
Why do I feel pressure (no pain) on my knee?

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Yesterday I went for a run on the track (where I always run). It happened to be raining/storming outside which felt amazing to run in. lol. Anyway... When I came home I felt some pressure on my left knee (my right knee is fine). This morning the pressure is still there. It doesn't hurt at all. I definately can't call it pain. It just feels like my range of motion is a little more limited. If I bend my knee too far the pressure gets stronger. Just kind of like something is pushing on it (maybe fluid?).

So, what is this? Why is it there? How long til it goes away? Is it common? And should I stop running until it goes away? ... like I said... It doesn't hurt... just pressure. (I don't know how else to expain it).

Thanks so much for your help!





  1. its probably an inflamitory response. its swelling meaning you should stay off of it. put ice on it and dont run for a couple days. take and asprin becuase asprin is a mild anti inflamatory. dont worry its probably nothing

  2. it sounds like you have fluid around your knee.. you should go to the doc. to see what can be done about it... u might need a water pill....

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