
Why do I feel so depressed?

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I feel depressed and I told my mom but she says I'm just stressed about starting a new school. I know it isn't because I'm not even remotley scared. Advice Please!




  1. i would worry about it right now. you may not think its stress but it sounds like it really could be. when you start a new school or do something new that can stress you out your body may not handle it the way you would expect so in your case you may be feeling depressed it could be your subconcious mind saying hmm this is kinda scary im starting a whole new school! if after you start school for like a month and you find you are still feeling depressed then go back to your mom and let her know how things are going and that you are feeling depressed still even after you have went to school.

  2. It seems that it is something else bothering you.Do you feel empty?Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?If you haven't you should.I think that you might be under stress and not know it.It depends on whether or not you are having symptoms of depression.I think that you are under more stress though.Go to the doctor and get it checked out and see if you have stress or depression or what it is.Pray to GOD about this.GOD can solve anything.You need to find out what it is that is making you depressed,I really hope that I helped you or gave you some useful or helpful advice or something so GOD BLESS you!

  3. Sometimes we feel down. Is there any thing stressfull happening in your life? You may be feeling stress, and mistaking it for depression. One thing I did is I took an online test to determine if I should speak to my health care provider.  It may also have something to do with your age. Take it easy, take things one step at a time. If it is depression, then remember that you can make it through it. Tell yourself that you are important and you deserve to be happy.

    Bottom line is if you are convinced you are depressen than ask tell your mother you'd like to speak to a doctor about it anyways, just incase. Good luck

  4. Have you moved away from friends?  Starting a new school may not be scary, but you may be missing some people from your other school.  Are you going to a new school because of finishing middle school and still in the same district? Did you move to entirely different area?  At least you have told your mom and that is a good sign that you are communicating. The change can cause depression without you realizing it.  Sometimes any change good or bad can be stressful. Hopefully after you start meeting people things will lighten.  If you are in a totally new town or state (any place far from home) check out the social scene where people your age go like malls because you can see a variety of people around your age and by having your face seen some of the kids may recognize you and it can be a starter for making friends. I hope this helps because when I was a teen I had a few small bouts of depression and exercise with music helped me and taking extra-curricular activities in something you enjoy will help.  Hope I cheered you up a bit.

  5. subconciously, it could be school.

    Also, depression is a disease where the brain fails to produce serotonin.  This is why depression can have no external explanation, and even people with perfect lives can be depressed.

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