
Why do I feel so emotionless lately?

by Guest32041  |  earlier

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I really just don't care about mom thinks I'm just being a ******** to her...but in truth, I'm not really happy, nor sad/mad...All I want to do is stay in my room and listen to music...




  1. nothing is wrong with you. sometimes our minds need to clear. maybe right now you are content. you dont have to feel sad or happy all the time. this happens is all.

  2. You just have a mental block right now, tell your mom that right now all you want is to be left alone and when you're ready you'll talk...

  3. well i feel emotionless too sometime and it just that it your just say you are calm at time and an make a quick a natural ability that well make you a great spy or ninja or one of those european guard that those nothing all day or one of those scary scarred guy that doesn't talk.

    or it is just that your bored.anyway it is totally typical to argue or disagree with you mom because you feel your old enough to do things so you will argue with her even if she is right

    i hope this help because i thank you for making not bored for a few minutes

  4. It's okay to feel emotionless. It's better that way. You get hurt less that way !i

  5. I too, am generally without great emotional highs and lows and am not even aware of my emotions from time to time. This is actually sorta sociopathic to some degree, and I'm wondering if perhaps you have a narcisstic personality disorder.....In any case, it is a great defensive mechanism. If you feel it is strange or odd for you, you may want to seek counseling. If you're comfortable and others simply dislike your behavior, so be it. You can always tell yourself you're better than them -LOL!

  6. Because you made someone cry yesterday. :'(

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