I left him for infidelity, and left my old cell ph bill ($500) in his name. Then got into a fight a week ago and broke his window ($300) he fired a gun ($200) in fines and his ccw suspended. Now I have all 3 kids with me. Had to move and start completely over and he is complaining of $800. I have been gone for 2 mos now and he has not helped me out financially yet. I calculated at the bare min of $150 a week which totals $1350. When I mention anything about money, he saiad well you did leave me with a $500 cell ph bill. Now it's, well you did come over and break my window which cost $300 (added on his rent) and pushed HIS buttons and made him fire his gun. which I don't see as being my fault. Now school time is coming around and he refuse to help. He said if I never broke his window, that would have been $300 towards the kids. That's BS b/c prior to that it was the old cell ph. He makes really good money, and I KNOW he is spending it on these h*es out here. I feel like I was forced to file for Child support, which I know when he get the papers it will cause him to not even want to see his kids, and that's the hurtful part that I have to handle with my babies.