On my first 2 pregnancies I was so sick and painfully tired from day 1. Literally vomitting ALL DAY. I cried all the time and fought with people for no reason.
I am now 6 weeks pregnant and I feel fabulous, energised and on top of the world. No crazy hormone attacks, no morning sickness, and full of energy until about 9 in the night.....then I pass out!! lol! My boys are still on their school hols so Im always busy busy with them or doing housework or...well...you know all the mom stuff. I cant wait to go for tonnes of walks etc when school starts next week.
I even took ANOTHER hpt yesterday to see if I was still pregnant and thank god, 2 lines staring at me. All I have is backache which is normal for me as I hurt my back a while ago and the occassional headache. I have 2 boys already as I said.
Anybody had a similar experience to me!?