
Why do I feel so inadequate?

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Got my GCSE results today. Everyone says I should be happy with them. I'm in the top 20 (miraculously) but I feel like I don't belong there. I'm especially disappointed with my English results (2 As).

Overall, I got:

English - A :(

English Lit - A :(

Geography - A :D

German - B :(

Maths - A :D

Media - A* :D

Welsh - C (who cares)

Applied business - A B (???)

Science Module 1 - A :D

Science Module 2 - B :(

IT - A :/

I know this is a decent set of results but people who are less intelligent than me have got higher than me in some. I'm like the best in my class in English and I had 2 As where some people had A*s. I truly am devastatd. Is this a bad set of results? Help :(




  1. Exams are funny little things and not necessarily and accurate judgment of someone intelligence, it can be down to luck or how laid back you are in exams.. you tried your best and that's all that matters, it shouldn't matter what anyone else got. I know how it feels when the class clown miraculously gets a great result but who knows, they may have worked harder than what you thought?

    Well done by the way!


    * Invisible Talker, what are you talking about, He's admitted that his results are pretty good. Calm down man.

  2. I think all young kids have similar problem like you. There is a little lack of confidence an a little overvalue of exam results as I can see here. You need to understand that exam results are just measurements that need no be highly accurate. You only need to score reasonably high as part of your responsibility as a student (to your family, mum, dad, ...) You should look into yourself to find confidence in your knowledge. If you have a strong basics and can see through issues and problems at your age level, then you are fine and should be confident. Often you will find that once you try to apply your knowledge into every day problem solving, you will become more confident. Otherwise you keep asking yourself what the h**l all this study mean in your life!

    In short, try to look for meaning in your student life by trying to apply your knowledge to real life problem solving and work a bit outside your school world. Suddenly you will find exam scores donot matter so much.

  3. Guy....i dont know what your on, but this is certainly not a bad report you should have seen mine.

    D D D C C E C C

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