
Why do I feel so unattractive?

by Guest60456  |  earlier

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I am 5 months pregnant and the truth of the matter is I have just been feeling so unattractive since I have been pregnant. I have a one year old and I am having another one in December and I feel like I have been pregnant forever. I fell like I will never be able to get my body or my skin back to the way I want it. I know I am supposed to be excited but I just feel like I am disgusting. What should I do? Has anyone ever felt like this?




  1. Yes, I felt like that but as soon as you have your baby, remeber to eat healthy and exercise.  Perhaps your body won't ever look the same but if you have good gens...Maybe, because my sister in-law had 9 children and  she 34 years old.  She looks good.  She eats salmon, vegetables and runs. She doesn't look like a mom.  Good Luck and enjoy your pregnancy because your baby feels your emotions.

  2. I feel like that, too. This is my first baby, but I was overweight to start with, so I just keep thinking about how much of a whale I'll be when the baby is born :( I know, I'm due Dec. 1 and I feel like I've been pregnant forever, too. I keep thinking, 'a few more weeks and it'll be over with and then I can start exercising like crazy, trying to lose this weight' and then I remember the baby will be born in the winter and that will be hard to jog or ride bike then :( Well, don't feel bad. I feel like c**p about myself, too. I'm sure a million people will say it's normal. :)

  3. Definitely, it's kind of a mid point where you don't have the huge belly which can be a badge of pride, you just feel kind of mushy.  

    You know what helped me?  Right around then I decided I had waited long enough to get my hair done so I went to the salon and got a new cut & color.  I felt so much better about myself afterwards! I hadn't realized how much I was feeling like a big fat bag lady all the time but my spirits really lifted from that.  

  4. I've been thinking about the same thing. I'll be interested in the answers. Im 7 months pregnant and I have a 2 yr old. I want my body back!! :)

  5. I feel the same way (almost 7 months along)

    To be honest in the mean time there's not much I think we can do!  I try to keep my hair done (just got it hi-lighted again last night) --- but with a rounder face and larger everything it's hard to feel like I look great!  

    People will tell you you're glowing no matter what!  (I can't tell you how many people have told me that)...

    I just try my best - I bought some new makeup and am learning to deal with my maternity clothes (which are nothing like what I would normally be wearing) for a few more months until I can be out of them for GOOD!

    Goodluck!!!  Just think of your baby and how amazing it will be to have someone to love so much --- that's what's getting me through!

  6. no offense but maybe it's because your carrying another person so you have a bbig stomache. it's definitly natural to not feel attractive during pregnancy . but as soon as your brand new lfie comes you will have this voer powering joy over come you and your unattracttiveness . it's all going to be worth it in the end .

  7. Yeah I did 2 until one day one of my friends told me u look so pretty today And that made me feel so attractive I even blushed

  8. I think it's normal during pregnancy to feel this way. You just need some encouragement, I am sure. I've always been told that a woman is the most beautiful when she's pregnant. I'm sure that you are glowing and beautiful regardless of how you see yourself. Try to tell yourself that you're beautiful and sometimes that works. Maybe treat yourself to a facial or a manicure or something. I've had a hard time with this myself, so I'm trying to take my own advice, too. Best of luck to you!

  9. I'm the same way. Some days I'm completely fine with the stretch marks and the big belly, but other days I don't even want to take my clothes off. I just keep telling myself it's something I can work on once my son is here and it's not like I just got huge for no reason. Oh and I went and bought some new girly bras and night gowns so I could feel a little feminine and s**y again.  

  10. Hormones. They change entirely when you're pregnant. It's makes your insecurities worse.

    You might have some problems after the pregnancy too. Talk to your doctor. This isn't rare and can be treated.

  11. Yes, lots of women feel this way. You'll feel better once the baby's out and you can go back to normal. Excercising might make you feel  better. Do you take walks everyday? Having two little ones is hard, but once life and the hormones have settled, you'll feel much better.

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