
Why do I feel so weird and how do i stop feeling that way about this situation?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I started dating a girl that im very verryyy in love with a year and a half ago. She's amazing in every aspect and we hardly ever fight and yea, i think she might be the one. I just found out however, a friend I've known for a long time, about 4 years, hooked up with her at a party 2 weeks before I met her. They were both drunk at a new year's party, and i guess they made out for a few minutes until they both passed out. My gf was so drunk she didn't even recognize him at first when he was at my house and she came over. Anyhow, I feel extremely awkward now whenever I am with one of them, knowing that they made out before. I was wondering what this feeling might be cause i can't really describe the feeling all too well, and how I might get over, because i really love the girl and i don't want to act moody around her just because of that, thanks.




  1. get over it she did it before you not to you

  2. Maybe the fact of her being so drunk at that time shows you a part of her that mismatches what you generally feel about her. We often want to believe our loved ones are perfect, but they are not.

  3. I understand your feelings; that would be awkward. It's normal to feel a little hurt that your girlfriend hooked up with, well, someone you know. I think it makes it a little different since it touches close to home. I think you may be experiencing feelings of hurt, jealously, and maybe disappointment. The pro's to the situation: It was over a year ago, she didn't know you at the time, they didn't sleep together, and she barely remembered. Have you talked to her about the way you feel? If you catch yourself being moody around her, let her know why. Say something like, " I know it happened a long time ago, it just caught me off guard, and I don't like to think about another guy kissing you." She'll reassure you that she is yours, and all is well. I'm sure it's just as embarrassing for her too. I would feel awful. I'm sure she'll understand. These feelings will fade; try not to think about it, or any visuals. Keep your thought life in check! Best of luck with your soon to be wife? :-)

  4. Everytime the thought crosses your mind visualize a stop sign or a large growling animal (like a dog or bear or tiger) a poison symbol (skull and crossbones) or a policeman or soldier with a massive gun and put this in the place of your drunk girlfriend kissing some dude for a few minutes before passing out.    

  5. Sure it might be a wee bit awkward at first for those two but it ought not be for you. Think positive! She's with you. Bottom line. If you choose to continue to act moody you had better talk out your feelings with her. If she could not even remember who he was, chances are you are allowing this to rent far too much space in your brain. I think the feeling of friend knowing your girlfriend in an intimate manner is the crux of this. That's what you need to resolve within yourself and get your girlfriend to help you do just that.

  6. It seems your feeling a little jealous....also that is a wierd situation and i would feel wierd too if that happened to me. you should get both of them together and talk about it. It would get really wierd, but i think them talking about it and explaining what went on would ease your mind

  7. The first poster has a good point and also you should talk to her about it. Then if you really love her and you trust her you gotta just let it go.

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