
Why do I feel tired all the time?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 20, and I sleep like 10 to 12 hours each day. And I still feel groggy afterwards. If I wake up before 8 or 10 hours I just want to sleep more. Whats wrong with me? Any suggestions?

And please don't say go to a doctor. I would if I had the money but for now I just have to make due.




  1. I have read that if a person gets to much sleep they can still be tired.

    Maybe try and stop sleeping so long and start taking vitamins.

    I have noticed that when i sleep for like 8 or more hrs i am still tired but if i sleep less then that i am ok and i dont feel as tired.

  2. Quit partying so much, hangovers suck.

  3. deep down your not happy from your boring life to lack of  activity each day ,stress is makeing you lazy and tired

  4. You sleep too much...i experienced when i sleep less than 8 hours, i feel more active.  

  5. why not post this in women's health section?

  6. Are you dieting? You could well be missing out on essential vitamins or minerals, especially iron or some of the B vitamins.

    Since you can't afford to go to a doctor, you might as well follow a process of elimination. Start by changing your diet, if necessary, to make sure you eat only fresh organic food with lots of whole grains and fruit and vegetables, and make sure you get extra iron and B vits.

    Then try to take half an hour of vigorous exercise every day.

    I think this may help alot./

    Good luck.  

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