
Why do I feel warm after working out? Is it my muscles or what cause its not that hot here SC at the moment.?

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Why do I feel warm after working out? Is it my muscles or what cause its not that hot here SC at the moment.?




  1. You've been exerting yourself working out and got the blood flowing. Nothing wrong is happening.

  2. Every cell in the body needs to under go a chemical reaction in order to work. This reaction involves using glucose (from food) and oxygen (from the air we breathe) creating energy with which the cell can work. All reactions like this are not perfect and heat energy is a waste product.

    When a cell works hard (such as a muscle cellf during exercise) it will burn a lot of glucose and oxygen. A consequence of this reaction is heat energy. This is what keeps our body temperature at a normal level. When we work out we burn more glucose and oxygen and hence create more heat energy. This is why we get hot when we exercise.  

  3. When you work out your body converts calories into usable energy.  This reaction gives off heat.  Your body sweats in an attempt to bring your body temp to equilibrium, and your sweat comes from body water.  If you don't consume enough water during exercise then your body temp rises and you feel hotter.  Bottom line is it is the process of energy consumption of your body that gives off heat, and this reaction is greater when you exercise.

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