
Why do I feel weak and shaky after i just cleaned my house?

by  |  earlier

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  1. That happens to me. Does it feel drowsy and stuff in your head, too? Just sit down, grab a soda, and watch TV for a bit. You'll feel better.

  2. your blood sugar dropped. that is not uncommon. you need to drink some water and eat something nutritious. rest for a bit also. you were working hard and when the sugar dropped from the overload of sugar "syrup" you body will react. if you did not have syrup it could be the mixture of chemicals you are using. hope you feel better  

  3. You may be dehydrated or that your blood sugar is low since you were active in house cleaning... .Take a break, have something to eat/drink.

    Good luck

  4. Maybe you need a little sugar. This happens to me sometimes. I feel like really shaky and weird. Try eating something sweet and sugary. Hopefully this will help. Good luck and feel better.

  5. could be the fumes from any cleaners you were using or maybe you didn't eat and your sugar is low - I'm guessing it's the fumes though.

  6. maybe you sniffed too much cleaner

  7. You are having an insulin response.  Your blood sugar was raised while eating pancakes, I am assuming with syrup.  Your body used that fuel as glucose quickly, then the blood sugar dropped lower than it was before you had the pancakes.  You literally used all your fuel and now you will need to raise your blood sugar quickly, so you dont pass out...and refuel with quality fuel.

    Drink a little orange juice, eat a candy or two or some raisins to raise your blood sugar.  

    then eat something with a complex carbohydrate and some protein.  

    to avoid this in the future, do not have pancakes by themselves for breakfast.  Add some bacon, sausage or a boiled egg.  

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