
Why do I fly in my dreams?

by  |  earlier

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I have dreams in which I'm like jumping in the air, and I can control not falling back to earth, kind of like swimming in the air, and I slowly going back down.

I've had this dream where there was a very tall vending machine, and I had to reach higher, so I simply came off the ground to pick a candy bar.

I've had some where I wanted to reach the basket in a basket ball court so I just "flew" to it and started going up and down in the air. At first, in my first dreams, it was more experimental. I didn't know how to land safely, but now, I jump around everywhere without really touching the ground.

Like last night, there was no reason for flying, but I just felt like it instead of walking, and stayed in the air until I decided to slowly go back to earth.

Basically, it's like the Hulk jumping, only smoother, and I never hit the ground hard, just softly, or I can even stay pretty close to it and watch it.

I really wonder why I have those dreams. Hope someone can help me! thanks!!




  1. I have also had many of these flying dreams before.  I remember looking up the meaning in a dream interpretation book once and it said that I was basically in control of my life and where I wanted to be.

  2. that is so weird i have those dreams too! i think it means that we need to get away from everything for a while but at the same time we're scared too.

  3. Oh I caught your question as i was heading to a different section to answer and i had to hit the back button b/c i have dreams where i fly too, OH IT IS SO AWESOME!  I'm just standing there and I raise my hands, drop them to my side and off i go, into the air flying with the greatest of ease, I LOVE THAT, i have not had a dream about flying in some time, in fact I was just out of town on business and the young girl i was traveling with started sharing our dreams while outta town and i mentioned to her about flying she said she'd never had a flying dream and i told her about mine, and i've been waiting for a flying dream to come again....oh please come again.

    Of course now i'll have a dream where i CANNOT fly simply b/c i answered this question :(

  4. Your dreams are special to feel freedom like a bird means when you go to sleep your content.So your inner sub- conscious mind allows you to have this fantasy power only you con troll. P.S. I fall allot in my dreams does that mean i,m clumsy.

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