
Why do I function better & have more energy @ night than during the day?

by  |  earlier

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I was SO sluggish & tired earlier. Now that it's after 10 PM, I feel like shooting through the roof! I feel jumpy & a little jittery & hyper. This is every day for me. How come?




  1. its because ur not sleeping at night that u sleep during the day. what i think u should do is kinda tuff but its worth it!!!! cuz of school and stuff. and this can mess up ur life and stuff.

    OK if u can lay down with a computer and watch tv and just lay in bed.

    Then during the day try NOT TO SLEEP!!!!!!! that way when it like 8pm then u may sleep. during the day u can lay down but do not close ur eyes if u need to then WASH UR FACE WITH SOAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    also try to know when u turned around or closed ur eyes and then when u emidialty when u wake up look at the time and cound how many hours u slept. or send my the times and then i will figure it out for u i kinda like math! lol i sleep exactly 10 hours!!!!!! so i go to sleep now (11:28pm) then i will wake up around 9 :30 am!!!!!!!! really!!!!!

  2. it sound like your circadian rhythm is backwards aka  your body has day and night confused some ways to get back on track avoid caffine and other stimulants after 6pm.  Also bright lighting which tricks your body into thinking its day      go to bed at the same time every night and maybe take some melatonin(it an dietary supplement that many people use to counteract jetlag or to deal with insomnia)  start with a small dose like  half a pill  a friend of mine is so sensitive to it that it puts her out for 12 hours  

    good luck hope this helps

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