
Why do I get blisters on the palm of my hand?

by  |  earlier

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I play tennis often, everyday if I can. I recently changed my grip and wrapped a replacement grip over the existing grip. I'm getting blisters on the lower-left part of my hand and where my middle finger connects to my palm. Any suggestions? It's really been bothering me when I play. Even when I take time to let them heal, they keep coming back at THE SAME PLACES. Thanks much to answers.




  1. yes, it;s  simple quit playing  tennis .

  2. try getting a less tackier grip. the tackier it is you will get more blisters because the surface of tackier grips are rougher.  also, if you mishit the ball to much the racket tends to "move" in your hand creating the rubbing between the grip and your hand. this will also cause more blisters

  3. It happened to me but seen as I play 3 times a week, that part of my hand got tougher and formed callouses on my hand, so its just got used to the rubbing from my overgrip.

    I just would suggest continue playing until your skin gets used to the continued friction on those parts of your hand.

  4. If you did not change the way you hold the racket's grip so it obviously because of your new replacement grip. But.....grips are made to let you hold your racket firmly when you hit the ball especially when your palm is excessively sweaty. If you grip firmly when hitting the ball then I guess blisters won't happen. Blisters is caused by frequently rubbing your palm with the grip and it so happenned when you hit a ball. Because of the vibration and maybe mishitting the ball makes the grip of the racket tend to move frequently in your palm and that caused blisters.

  5. haha   its just cuz ur holing the handle too tight  happened 2 me b4 and i luv how every1 is blaming it on ur overgrip and how u shud get a new one

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