
Why do I get cramp on holiday?!?

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Everytime I go on holiday I get cramp in my feet and toes for about the first day that I arrive! It's quite annoying because sometimes I can't sleep at all.

I don't think it's the plane because I never go far far away - it's normally only a shortish flight. And I don't think it's the heat because I rarely go anywhere too hot.

This happen to anyone else?! Any ideas how to avoid it?





  1. cramp is basically when your dehydrated. so when you drink to much alcohol you get cramp. it also occurs when you do too much exercise or tensing on a certain muscle. it becomes dehydrated.  

  2. A couple of the more common causes of cramp are dehydration and electrolyte mineral deficiency/imbalance.

    Drink plenty of water.

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