I was in the middle of giving important answers to ?'s about McCain
saying we should use solar etc. I Got almost done and it went off screen; I cannot backpage it is like the ? is't even in the political section where I do most of my studying.
I think some one is viewing certain areas and when you begin hitting on too much "KNOWN" truth it clicks out of your vision.
I will continue to look for the question on McCain looking into solar energy. That is a farse. I was giving an example of a business that tried to go all solar in our area and LAWS have changed on using it totally, and also you do not get paid by selling xcess back to electric company. Look at the new houses in your area, how many have even a single panel of solar for say water heater, and a few of the things in your home. And look at all of the electronic stuff on the Market. I will find that ? some how, maybe by one of you answerers. Thanks!!
And why has our avitars not been coming up when we answer???
Someone is playing with something