
Why do I get deathly Ill every time I've ever eaten at AppleBees?

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My boyfriend likes to eat at AppleBees but everytime we ever go to any Applebees restauraunts no matter what I order (even if I only order a salad) I get deathly Ill for a week after. I mean vomiting violently, hot and cold flashes sweating feeling like I'm going to die. This has happened to me about 15 times now, yet my BF still wants to eat there no matter how sick it makes me. My question is what the heck are they putting in the food, and has anyone else had this problem before? I've been to six different AB's resturaunts and every time its the same thing.




  1. It's NOT the's your toxic boyfriend. Ditch him pronto! Good luck and God bless!

  2. I've heard of people getting sick from buffets before (but they don't have one) because of preservatives in the food but maybe you're allergic to something you don't know about yet - they may cook the food on the same skillet that shrimp was on and you can't have shrimp or you may be allergic to latex and they use latex gloves or maybe you're allergic to the powder in the gloves they use - it could be any number of things - even the kind of cooking oil they use - you might want to talk to a doctor about it and possibly get an allergy test done

  3. I love Applebees but the last 3 times I've gone, I couldn't keep it down too well. I was also starting to think I was crazy but I think you just proved my point... they're putting something in their food that isn't sitting well with some of us. Very disappointing. :( I'd tell your boyfriend that you're not going back.. me, I love the place so I'll deal but if it gets very bad I'll also quit going :-x

  4. Sounds like your nuts and your boyfriend must not like you that much. There isn't anything in there food that's any different from other restaurants. And if your boyfriend keeps "making" you go to a place where you get sick then he doesn't like you.  

  5. I wouldn't have gone back after at least the 2nd or 3rd time.. and your boyfriend isn't very caring is he... find a new restaurant and a new bf!

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