
Why do I get diarrhea from smoking cigarettes?

by  |  earlier

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I have to hit the restroom like everyday when I smoke, why is that? when I stop smoking the symptoms stop.




  1. Hey, maybe you should stop smoking.

    P.S.- I smoke a pack a day myself

  2. It,s the same with computers--c**p in-c**p out.

  3. You should go to the docs and get checked for Crohns or Colitis as sometimes Irritable Bowel Diseases can be affected by things like nicotine or caffiene - although it's not really known what causes the diseases in the first place.

    Good luck to you


  4. nicotine causes bowel movements. same as caffine in coffee.

  5. Things like Smoking and caffeine are stimulants, but maybe it's a natures warning to STOP SMOKING, otherwise the life you have to look forward to is this;

    A) 50% chance you will die of lung cancer

    B) Increased chance of cancer

    C) Increased chance of developing Type 2 diabetes

    D) Heart disease

    E) COPD

    With that said, if your getting diarrhea on a regular basis, this needs to be investigated, see your GP

  6. Cigarettes actually contain among other things a laxative.

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