
Why do I get more drunk in the evening than I do during the day, if I drink about the same amount?

by  |  earlier

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Is it because my daytime intake is still in my system so is just being topped up?

btw: I'm not proud and am not boasting and would advise kids to not drink alcohol!

Kind regards





  1. Your a lot more tired in the evening, Beer goes down easy but your body is still tired....

  2. by the evening you've eaten more

  3. if its already in your system from the day of course you will get topped up faster the more you drink..?

  4. I have a few theories about this question:

    1. During the day your are more likely to be munching, or have recently had a meal thus the absorbtion of alcohol in your system is greater.

    2. At night you're more energized by who you are around. This is assuming that the night life is spent with other people. Something about the night gets the energy level up. The more you're moving around (like at a bar) the more your blood flows through your system and the alcohol will have a greater effect on the mind.

    3. Drinks are mixed stronger at night. The drunker the bar gets you = the more you're going to buy. The drunker the crowd the more money the bar makes.

    4. P.S. Stop drinking during the day and get a job :-)

  5. Your metabolism is slowest in the evning and when your sleeping

  6. well Im not saying it is 100% but I think at day time your body is having more energy so its more used to it that way,but in the evening your less energetic so your body is easily getting drunk from the same amount that you might take at day time.

  7. im not sure

  8. I think it's just that you let yourself relax more - you can't actually be more drunk and if you're drinking day and night, then your system is being topped up either way.

    In the past I've gone to parties and drunk nothing as I had my car, or sometimes because I occasionally go on the wagon for a few weeks.  I found myself feeling drunk, just because I was around people who were loosening up.  Very handy, as I was totally legal to drive and no hangover!

    Give it a try now and then.

  9. I have seen you in the day and I can tell you that although you think you are more drunk in the evening, you are in fact more drunk during the day. In fact you are often so drunk that you  don't even remember being drunk

  10. haha

    me to!

    and i tend to get less drunk off the same amoutn of alcohol if im just sitting home drinking as opposed to being at a bar!


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