
Why do I get more enjoyment out of answering people's questions, rather than asking them?

by  |  earlier

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If you look at my past questions, most of them are self centered. What gives? Does that mean that I should just answer people's questions, unless I have something that is worth asking?




  1. its simple, cuz you get points for that........hehe

  2. Imo, it feels much more safe to answer other people's questions, rather than pose your own. When I ask q's, I fear judgment by others. I presume that this anxiety is due to my low self-esteem. Perhaps that is what you're experiencing?

    I try to be very selective in the questions I answer- choosing those I believe may be helped by me sharing my perspective. I care very much about being able to help others. That is me. However, the downside is that I'm not fully being myself...which counteracts the benefit to sharing on this site.

    I don't think that you should repress things, in order to feel that you are worthy. Who's to say a question is or isn't worth asking? You can always put yourself down for asking what you perceive to be self-centered q's, or you can hold those thoughts, feelings, concerns inside. Either way, those negative emotions towards yourself are still there. It's better to post & receive some feedback which may counterbalance your negative self-talk.

  3. cause your kind hearted:);...

  4. idk your welcome to help me!

  5. you have less problems so you ask less....or your problems aren't as simple where yahoo answer can solve whether you know it or not...

  6. Only you can answer that my friend......As for me, I would rather answer questions than ask them...If I can help just one person with a problem that they really need help with, that is a very good thing...That is just me though and why I became a help others whenever I can......You have to decide for yourself which you prefer to do...If you need to ask a question, then ask, if you feel like answering something that you can help someone with...I am sure they would appreciate your help......just have fun with it either way...!!!!!

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