
Why do I get pre-selected for a credit card?

by  |  earlier

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Just to get it rejected??




  1. All a pre-selected means, is that some company you do business with, a magazine subscription for example (could be just about anything), sold your name and address to a credit card company.  the credit card company just slaps your name on a piece of paper and sends it to you.  that is their preselection.  than if you fill out the ap and send it back, then they actually look into if you are eligable or not for their credit card.

    whether they take you or not, they now sell your information to other companies since you willingly gave it to them.  Rinse, wash, repeat.

  2. It's just a hook, line and sinker marketing ploy. Most people want credit and seeing a letter that says "you're approved" or "you've been selected"  usually makes people feel all warm and fuzzy inside and they'll apply.

    If you don't feel that your credit is good enough to qualify, don't apply. Get a secured card instead and start working on your credit score.

  3. Because everyone does if they have your name and address yoiu are "pre-approved" because they want you to fill out the application so they can sel your information to other companies.  It's just a way of gathering information to sell it.

  4. Thank you for this question.  That scenario has always pissed me off.  I think the credit card companies must be like the girl in high school who needs validation and so dresses like a ho for attention.  That way, when guys throw themselves at her, she can turn them down, but bolster her confidence by knowing that she's wanted.

    Yeah, credit card companies are insecure, S****y chicks (who probably got hit by their fathers, too).  It's sad, not funny.  The CC companies should get counseling, for real, because they have issues.

  5. Your credit score is high.

  6. they look at your scores  that is why you get them --why rejected -- must be something once they get all your info that kills the account

  7. The pre-selection bit is only to get people to apply who wouldn't maybe normally do so. After that it's up to the company if you meet their credit standards.

  8. its just their way of advertising

  9. mass mailing they dont know anything about your specific credit history

  10. ummmm wat?

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