
Why do I get real hot and sweaty after drinking Starbucks coffee, even in my aircon office? Is it the caffeine

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Why do I get real hot and sweaty after drinking Starbucks coffee, even in my aircon office? Is it the caffeine




  1. it's the coffee... its hot, you are hot, the coffee raises your temp, and you sweat... so you can cool down...

    try siping your brew, instead of chugging it...

  2. Starbucks is just a name .It's the amount of caffeine their coffee is made from that makes you sweat.Maybe your pores can't handle the caffeine that's in their coffee,switch coffee's and see if that will do the trick .Rao's Bakery has differnt kinds of coffe and i've foung that their coffee has a pleasent taste and causes no problems with sweating no matter whether it's cold or hot outside.

  3. You could be having an allergic reaction to something in the "coffee". You could try changing the drink mix you get to see if that is it. You could also try drinking a glass of hot water. If that does it, then you will know that it is just the heat, and not the contents.

  4. I think this is from the heat of the coffee combined with the amount of caffeine in the coffee.  Starbucks coffee tends to be heavy on the caffeine.  Starbucks coffee makes me have the jitters, however it's never made me break out in a sweat.

  5. It's not the caffeine it's more than likley due to how hot the coffee is as it's raises your body's internal temperature. As your body temperature begins to match the external temperature it will stop sweating and cool down or so the theory goes.

  6. Well, like everyone else has said, the coffee is hot, so it raises your temperature, but caffeine does increase blood circulation, which might lead you too feel a bit warmer than usual...

    maybe try an iced coffee? or a non-coffee drink?

  7. I think someones grown a little fond of a coffee lol :)

  8. Well the coffee is hot so it bound to have your temperauture rising

  9. could be, but i think its just all the heat from the coffee :)

    they do make starbucks BOILING these days ;)

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