
Why do I get sad when I look at the stars?

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Whenever I look at the stars, galaxies, planets, moons, I get this sad, empty, feeling. I love space and astronomy but am reminded how insignificant I am in this universe, and that I'll never venture to another planet, not to mention another galaxy. I feel like a caged dog, except that the bars are gravity, keeping me bound to Earth.

Help please? It is really inconvenient when I'm at a block party and everybody's laughing and I'm gazing solemnly at the stars. Plus I'm vegetarian so the neighbors think I'm anorexic AND depressed.

Sorry if I sound whiny or anything.




  1. If you are underweight in USA, then possible you have a diet problem. Maybe you have depression and you are young. Everyone expects young people to be happy, but depression is common among teens.

    I think you should see a professional person in the social field just as a precaution. The stars and universe should inspire, not depress.

    Talk with a school counselor to get a reference where you can go. You might be surprised, the parents might be willing to help find someone to speak with.

    Sometimes in life we meet up with crossings which have no bridges and we can't do it ourselves. You need to reach out to someone for help. Serious.

    That is great you are vegan. You are exceptional. Good luck.

  2. Remember that everything is connected as one

  3. haha you sound like me (i'm also a teenage vegetarian who gets depressed at looking at the night sky) how random and strange, huh?

    I was going to explain exactly what you told us here

    "I love space and astronomy but am reminded how insignificant I am in this universe, and that I'll never venture to another planet, not to mention another galaxy. I feel like a caged dog, except that the bars are gravity, keeping me bound to Earth."

    You explained it beautifully, that's exactly how I feel. But I try to think of this feeling as a good thing instead of depressing. It's really humbling to realize that the entire universe isn't centered around you. It goes to show that even though we think we are so important and we get wrapped up in our everyday drama, we should take the time out of your day to understand that there is so much more...

    Try not to be depressed and take this night off to be amazed by the stars, let it take you away into another universe in your imagination and go find a yummy vegetarian snack!

  4. You know i feel the same way you do and im also a vegetarian. Everytime i look up at the stars i feel depressed and empty. But i think its because everything is soo huge and we are so small and insignificant to it all. I do like to look up at the stars even tho it makes me sad, because i like to see everything like that.  I also feel sad that i might never get to leave Earth and go somewhere completely different and unique.

  5. Emo.

  6. You already answered your question: you feel insignificant in this universe.  Maybe it's a need to know why we are here, and what purpose we serve. I know how you feel though, if I could leave earth and never come back, I would.  Take an optimistic look at this; Be happy knowing that there are still trillions of opportunities for life, and that our crappy little planet is not the only thing in existence.  Anyway, you shouldn't be ashamed that stargazing makes you depressed, it's part of who you are.  Watch the meteor-shower tomorrow night, maybe it will give you a new perspective.

  7. Well you pretty much answered you own question about why you get sad! It's a big freakin universe and we're this little teeny speck in it. Alternatively, if you feel like a caged dog and that gravity is tying you to earth, have you ever thought about becoming a pilot or an astronaut? Maybe you were meant to fly among the stars and deep down inside you know it!

    Don't worry about your neighbors. Neighbors are chronically nosy and meddling, just ignore them! And for the parties, I suggest staying underneath a bright light, like a street light or under a string of lights. That kind of blocks them, makes them harder to see.  

  8. Well If you feel like that don't just sit around and do nothing we may all be specs but if we try our hardest we can really make a difference in the world which may still seem like a spec but it will be bigger then all the others.

  9. wear a cow boy hat that might prevent you from seeing the stars .......... so ucan concentrate better on things around you near you .......

  10. i know what you mean... every-thing's so big (infinitesimally huge! and im so small... compared to it all... and im also a vegetarian... which, FYI you Crushed Ice person, a vegetarian is not the same as  a vegan. a vegetarian does not eat meat (the actual flesh of the animal) and a vegan eats nothing that comes from animals (milk, cheese, ice cream...)

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