
Why do I get sick on full fat dairy products....?

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I am 16 years old. I don't normally eat/ drink full fat milk products. Last week I ate ice cream that was normal ( I normally eat lite). I got really sick afterwards ( diarrhea). Tonight I went out to dinner with my family and ate ziti, and once again I am sick. Why is it that full fat milk products make me sick where I can eat/drink fat free milk products??? Could I be lactose intolerant?




  1. Your body may just not be used to high fat products. Or you may have problems with your gall bladder. It may also be something else in the foods other than the fat content. I would advise you to keep a food diary and write down what you eat and what you feel like. Take that to your doctor and get a proper diagnosis.

  2. Yes, you could be. I would visit your family doctor and seek advise from him. There are many people who are lactose intolerant. I would stay away from milk products for a while until you see a doctor. There are certain things you can take that are over the counter. I just don't know the names of all of them. You could visit a pharmacy and see if the pharmacist could help you.This is what I had to do for a while. I drink fat free milk now.

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