
Why do I get side stitches when I run slowly, but not when I run fast?

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Why do I get side stitches when I run slowly, but not when I run fast?




  1. Side stitches are thought to be a  muscle spasm of the diaphragm. If  you don't get them when you run hard you shouldn't be getting them when you run slowly.

    If you are maybe you are not running with the same posture. Are you leaning back, so as to put pressure on the abdominal muscles.?

    Try to relax, stand up tall, but don't lean forward or backward.

    If you get a stitch you can place your hand just below the ribs and push in and up to relieve the pain.

  2. Do you mean you are running slowly, you have a stitch and then you speed up and it goes away? If so, tighten(flex) your abs, and if you can hold it like that, thats great, if not, just hold where ever it hurts.

    If not, it is probably because when you run fast, you are running for a shorter amount of time, and whatever ever happens to cause the stitch doesn't start. When you run for awhile, even if it is slow, you might get a stitch.

    Make sure you are hydrated for the race, drink lots of water before, and don't eat at least 1 1/2 hours before.

  3. my coac always tells me, if i got the stitch i shud run faster as it will get rid of it.

    so i just listen to my coach

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