
Why do I get so angry when people take shortcuts?

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Whether it's cutting in line or cheating on a test, shortcuts make me angry. I'm usually a calm person who doesn't get angry even if I get punched in the face. However, when I see people using shortcuts I just immediately get a feeling of hate. Am I wrong for feeling this way? What should I do?




  1. Whatever you see in other people is in you.

    The fact you hate them so much because you also want to take shortcuts.

    I know I hate rich people.  Why?  Because I myself want to be rich.

    Same way with you, you hate shortcuts but you really want shortcuts.

    Don't you want to solve a math, science, history, or any subject in 1 minute instead of 1 hour?

    The reason you ask this question on Yahoo Answer is because this is a shortcut.  Otherwise you'd go crazy picking your brain why people like to take shortcuts.

  2. Just think that by taking shortcuts they are missing something that those who earn it have. You're better off and you should pity them rather than hate them.

  3. Explain your feelings to these people

    and cheating on tests? There not the one's gaining knowledge, its their own fault if there not that smart

  4. Shortcuts are not the issue, of course. Rather, it's probity in a vacuum (no accountability). And rather than feeling anything, you meretriciously react to probity by asking this contrived question. Anger you most certainly are not worthy of.

    Here is what you should continue doing: hiding. Yahoo Answers has a shelf life - it can't interminably shelter you. You'll be fully exposed in an ending that can hardly be called expeditious.

  5. You are certainly not wrong for feeling this way. We were taught as young children that "cheating" in any sense of the word is bad and simply unforgivable. If not anything else, your human instincts tell you to be mad, but I'll try to explain my other theory.

    There are two different parts to my idea.

    Option A: You feel angry because you are worried that you are missing out on the "better deal." This would be categorized into a sense of self-pity, regret or jealousy.

    Option B: You feel angry with cheaters because you pity them instead. You are worried that they will not get the most out of life, that they will miss something grand by taking the short way through. This option is more humanitarian I suppose and would back up the original idea of "human instinct" to shy away from cheaters as an unworthy case for forgiveness.

    Maybe you feel a bit of both, angry for not also taking the easier way that could possibly help you in the immediate sense and pity for those who will never stop to take "the right way" for the knowledge they main gain from it down the road.

    As for what you should do in these situations of anger, first determine if it's option A or B (if either of those at all.) If something closer to A is what you feel, then calmly explain to yourself the story of the turtle and the hare. Slow and steady wins the race; taking the long way will gain you more in the long run. If option B hits closer to home, then try the trick of karma, knowing that they will eventually get what they deserve, a lack of knowledge, and a head full of useless cheats they will never be able to apply in the real world.

    Good luck on your search for the truth!

  6. We can not control what others do, sometimes we can just dismiss most actions, but we all have our limits.

    For me, it is drivers who try to run you off the road just to make the next exit only 15 seconds before you get there too.

  7. I'm anxious to find out the answer to this, myself.  As, it doesn't bother me at all for others to go first.  I don't  observe others taking test, so I'm unaware of those who cheats.  

    Perhaps, you could validate yourself, as the better person. Who knows this may be the only way some people can feel good about themselves?  Just a thought.


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