I'm a quiet person, I used to be painfully shy but I am not so bad now and use strategies in conversation etc to increase my confidence and keep communication going. However, I don't go to parties that often but when I do (eg. last night) and I drink I get really boring. I just sit there and lose all thoughts, like I can't think of anything to say and I end up following people round like a loser. It improved when I met an old school friend but for a whole 3 hours I just couldn't think of a single interesting thing to talk about. I didn't know many people, but even the people I knew I didn;t really know how to talk to. Why do I go so mute and boring when I'm drunk. I watch everyone else go silly and wild and think why isn't that happening to me. I seem to soak up alcohol. I have never in my life gotten close to trashed or comaring, I don't think i'm capable of it, but the more I drink the more timid and boring I get. Why is this?