
Why do I get so embarrassed buying?

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Why do I get so embarrassed buying bras, knickers, sanitary towels, tampons, etc.

I actually make my Mum take any underwear items I want to the checkout so I don't have to. I love choosing new sets of underwear, but I just cannot take them to the till, it's really weird.

It's even worse when it comes to buying pads/tampons.

Do you have any advice?

Is anyone here similar to me and gets embarrassed?




  1. haha yup me too lol espeaclly if im buying underwear and a

    cute! guy is there. and well most of the time my mom gets my tampons and that stuff lol just dont worry about it so much (:

    its not like we no the person there or they havent seen it before.

    next time just go by your self ur going to feel better when ur done (:

  2. I do not mind buying bra's and panties but i HATE buying tampons i make my mom buy them for

  3. just do it your not going to see those people in your life again.

  4. Whats knickers and till?

    is this australian? shweeet.

  5. yeah i guess its weird for the first time, its not something youd usually do, but theres no reason to be embarrassed! (...only if your buying tampons and the guy behind the counter is hot..!!)

    but every single girl/woman has to do this! so theres nothing weird,  unnatural or whatever about it, its what we have to do to for the rest of our lives! (sometimes unfortunately)  so yeahh, theres really no point getting embarrassed, youll get used to it :)


  6. probelye because we was teased over this at school or at home.

  7. Believe me, cashiers don't really notice people when they are ringing them up. Yea they might look at you, but they will forget about you as soon as the next customer comes along.  And buying tampons shouldn't be embarrassing at all.  It's just as normal as buying face wash. You need them for your health.  If you just can't over come it, then shop at lingerie stores such as victoria secrets. everyone that's in there is shopping for the same thing so you will only blend in.

    You just have to go for it. It will get easier every time.

  8. Maybe if you go to a check out counter that has a woman cashier it would help. all women buy those products so you shouldnt be embarrased, because you need them. If your reaaaaally embarrased about buying them, wait until its really close to closing time, so that not a lot of people are there. i guess that would help?

  9. I get embarrassed too! lol When i buy bras at Topshop i give the items to my mum to pay for and then i pretend to be looking at something else.

    And i'm the same way with sanitary towels etc. =]

  10. i understand. as a teen, i also get embarrassed, because well.. i'm young and don't always want people knowing what i keep under my clothes. and well..preiods are so they're always embarrassing.

    just try to remember that almost ALL women wear the same things. i personally go to a register with a female cashier when i buy such products. because i know they wont look twice at th item. ;)

  11. Period stuff i don't buy i make my mum buy them. But maybe because you dont like the fact of people knowing your sizes?

  12. Same =]

    it's even worse, when i see people i know, and i'm holding bra's n knickers!!

    just think, the people at the till, probably wear bra's & knickers (hopefully)



  13. me too

  14. You may think that wen you buy those things its a reeli big deal and everybody notices and stuff,, but just think how many women a cashier will serve throughout a day!! LOads,, and most of them will be buying the same thing as you

    so dont be embarrased, just remember that your normal :)

    it would be alot worse if you werent buying these things

    :) xx

  15. I used to be the same as you, but I soon got over it when I went to university.

    Now it is condoms I hate buying!!

  16. I used to get sooooo embarrassed when buying pads and tampons in my local morisons, i always throught that the checkout assistant would think "oh shes on her period" or something! But then i relised that i was seriusly over reacting, every women has periods and we need them! When you need to buy tampons and pads just hold your head up high and just think, it would be a h**l of alot worse if you didnt use them! tbh i dont think checkout people even look at what you buy half the time, they remind me of the people in shaun of the dead, just sitting there staring into space going BEEP BEEP BEEP! lol

    And as for the underwear i still feel embarrassed about that but not because its underwear but because i am a size 16/18 and i always think that they are judging how big i am! i know it sounds silly,

    i think you should just go and buy underwear and take it to the till and face your fear! You will see its not bad and then you can buy all the underwear you need!

    I hope you realise that their is nothing to be embarrased about =]

  17. i have the exact same prob!

    so im hoping this question wil get me my answer!  

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