
Why do I get so many clicks with Adsense today?

by  |  earlier

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AdSense for Content top channels 399 64 16.04% $58.20 $23.22

renting a nice house in Miami 392 35 8.93% $43.25 $16.95

The main channel is : Renting a nice house in Miami which got 35 clicks. But my total as you can see is 64 clicks. Where those extra clicks come from?





  1. It could be:

    - A click dump from Adsense, given that they were on a site maintenance yesterday and reports did not update until late into the night. Click dumps sometime occur to adjust for the reporting

    - Simply your lucky day. As long as you did not click on your ads, then enjoy the bounty

  2. you should look at your analytics that are associated with this acct.  they should be able to tell you where these clicks came from.  

    also, look at your other marketing efforts, did you do anything different?

    i have a client who had a huge spike one day and it was the weirdest thing, turns out there was something on tv about what he does so everybody was googling it and clicking his ads!

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