
Why do I get so worked up about things?

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Well when I was younger I never had this issue but when I was about 8 or 9 I started to have this weird issue,like when I'd go to amusment parks with my family i'd freak out and get nervous and start to gag,and then i'd throw up.Even when we went on family vacations I got like this,along with when I go to concerts.I know im just excited but why do I throw up too? and sometimes i'll do it more then once in the day.I hate it cause it prevents me from going places and makes me worry about looking stupid throwing up infront of a bunch of people over who knows what.And im starting up school(going to highschool 9th grade) August 18th,im excited but nervous and I start to feel like throwing up when I think about it.and im scared that morning when I have to go with my uncle and his friends that i'll get all worked up and throw up or something,but I can't prevent it.It all just happens and I wanna find a way to control it.

So is there something I can do to stop having this problem?




  1. You could have social anxiety.  Social anxiety is usually first treated with cognitive behavioral therapy (and intervention with medication if therapy alone isn't working).  

    My recommendation to you is to take deep, slow breaths when you're starting to feel anxious/excited.  Ignore external sensations and focus on your breathing, perhaps think of something relaxing like a song you really like or a character you like from a movie/book.  

    Remember that the excitement is all in your head and you are in complete control of your mind and body -- no one else is doing this to you.  You are the only one behind the wheel and you make the decisions about how your body responds to excitement.

    It sounds like panic attacks, and the big problem with panic attacks is that once you have one in a public place, you'll start to fear having them again and again because of how embarassing it is.  You have to break the cycle by learning to deal with it without panicking.  It can take time but you will surely break through.  Just have confidence-- many people have overcome a similar problem!

    I guess failing that, I have heard that rarely there are some people who can't process their own adrenaline and the symptoms sound a little bit similar to what you're describing.  If you find that you honestly cannot control the feelings no matter what you do, talk to a psychologist or your family doctor.  They'll be able to take care of you from there on.

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