
Why do I get the urge to smile or laugh in awkward situations?

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I sometimes want to laugh or smile at the most innapropiate times. Like at a funeral when it gets really tense or when I hear really bad news. inside im really sad or heart broken, but outside it manifests into a slight smile or the urge to laugh. someone help!




  1. same here! i cant help it. its nervous laughter. dgjrajkghd. i dont know how to get over it either. but most people tell me that they understand im not laughing because its funny, but because im hurt... hopefully they know that for you too.  

  2. OMG thats just like me xD.  Its TOTALLY natural you dont have to worry about it at all.

    The reason why that happens is because your body is manifesting an immense amount of sadness especially if your at a funeral. Sometimes your body wants to react to this feeling and the greatest emotional product is laughter. Smiling is just the halfway point to laughter. If your in a situation where you dont want people to see you are laughing/smiling when in reality your extremely sad... just cover your face.

    They'll understand your upset without any suspicions.

    Dont worry ^^

  3. I've do this too.  I get so annoyed at myself because it makes me look really rude or weird.

    A few years ago when i was in school i was getting a HUGE row for having my shirt out and apparently talking back.  I felt horrible for it but whilst i was being shouted at i started laughing!  So innapropriate and got me sent to the headmaster where i got in even more trouble because they thought i had an 'attitude problem'.  It was horrible because i totally didn't mean to laugh atall...i'm pretty sure i went home and cried.

    So i know what you mean.  I think it's pretty normal, just a reaction i suppose. It is horrible though and difficult to control.

  4. That's how your body fights fear.

  5. Lil short, I think you are just a tad bit off girl, you need some greater help than Y/A!! LOL...=D

  6. I have that problem too its just the way I handle it.It happens to people quite a bit.

  7. That is a nervous reaction, it is common, and your way of dealing with tragic events.  Everyone deals with things in different ways. If you feel like laughing bite your tongue (literally) so you don't smile or laugh at

    an inappropriate time, or pinch yourself hard.

  8. It's a nervous reaction... It's happened to me a few times, hate it!

  9. I feel like laughing when there is a baby crying on the train. Everyone else is getting annoyed and I want the baby to keep crying so I can watch the reactions of people.

    I watch the mother try to calm the baby down and when she is unable to do so I want to laugh because the more she tries the worse it gets..

  10. I find this normal, its just when you hear bad news you deal with laughing and making yourself feel better rather than crying. I do it sometimes too. Like, yesterday my cousin feel down the stairs and smacked her head into the door at the end of the stairs and I was laughing so hard, it happens. [:

  11. Erm...

    Uncomfortable situation??

  12. Same here.  

  13. i do that too

    i also tend to look away a lot in awkward situations

  14. The same thing happens to me. I guess it's just a feeling of disbelief like... "wtf is this happening? Hahaha, I can't believe this!"

    It's something like that. I can totally relate.

  15. I have had the same problem since I was like 7... I have a system: I think of something that makes me sad or mad and if that fails I pinch myself. It usually works... usually.

  16. Because, you are insane.

    No j/k

    I do the same thing and I'm not crazy..........or am I...........if I say I am does that mean I'm not.........or is it like I'm trying to cover up the fact that I'm not crazy..............?????????????????????

  17. its a naturally reaction. Your brain send signals throughout your whole body to react to a certain situation in a certain way. Put your hand on a flame and you'll find yourself moving it away without any thought. This is a reaction that occurs when your nervous. Its happened to me a lot, i hate it :@ but you get use to the weird stares you get from people lol.

  18. It's a defense mechanism. Laughing is actually a way of relieving stress and tension, and sometimes it kicks in in situations where it's not really socially appropriate. I get that a bit myself. :P

  19. i'm sorry to inform you that you are a crazy person.  don't laugh at things that are not funny or you won't have any laughter left over for funny things.

  20. that happens to me tooooo. my friend told me that she was raped by th is kid she liked .. and it really hurt me because i loved her .but something mad me like smile.. maybe bc it was silent and weird ? idk

  21. yeah just seems like your nervous. i yawn constantly when im really nervous, some people laugh or smile or whatvere.

  22. It's your safety move!

    Doing that helps you hide your sadness/insecurities.

    It's fine...

    Just don't do it at funerals!

    : )

  23. I do the same thing. It's embarrassing. I usually have to excuse myself so I can laugh my *** off outside because I know if I try to hold it in it will just get worse and worse. Ahh, I hate it!

    Just saying, you're not alone.

  24. Like the person above says its a nervous reaction and thats just your way of dealing with it  

  25. maybe you want to break the awkward silences

    or its your nerves

  26. My interpretation of this is that your unconscious mind or involuntary mind wants to be happy. So even when you are heartbroken you laugh.

  27.                                                                                                                 lilshort, Hon I am 48 and have had that my whole life ! I finaly figured out that it is better to laugh than to cry. To this day some people still do"nt get it, so I just tell them sorry but this is how the good lord made me so deal with it !

  28. Often its your body feeling tense and overwhelmed and laughing is a great way to get rid of that feeling. Its just a nervous reaction, eventually it will get weak and you'll be able to control it a bit better =)

    No worries,


  29. It's clearly a nervous reaction, but I don't think anyone could tell you exactly why. It's normal, and I know it happens to me sometimes. The funny thing is, the second I smile even slightly, it makes me laugh because it is so ridiculous.

    Now that I've said that, I'm wondering if it is a subconscious way to distract yourself from feeling upset?

    Either way, I don't think there's any use analyzing it. As far as preventing that from happening, pinching yourself usually does the trick.

  30. It's natural... something that happens to some people when under stress or tense. Don't worry about it- just try not to let it loose at those times- maybe go somewhere private and laugh and then come back...

  31. put you hand to you mouth and wipe your face. or act like your wiping your mouth on your shirt and cough on the shirt to get your voice out

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