
Why do I get these chronic headache like pains in my eye?

by  |  earlier

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I get a sharp pain in my (always my left eye) eye. It is usually top area of my eye area. It can last days and it can increase in pain to very severe at time. Nothing really seems to relieve the pain directly.




  1. Well that could be simply a migraine. They tend to target one side of your head and can effect your eyes. Light and noise is bothersome as well.

    How frequent do you get them? Occassionally... all the time? Does it get worse everytime?

    I find it interesting you only get it on one side. If it gets worse you might want to check it out. See a doctor. I'm sure its nothing but you will want to make sure there is nothing back there causing it. You might even get an MRI but those are nothing. I've been through several and it's no big deal. It will give you peace of mind though and then help the doctors give you something.

    Just keep an eye on it.

    I hope you feel better  

  2. There is certain types of things that can cause pain in your eye, I would definetly recommend getting checked out by a doctor. It can get worse, so I would go to the doctor.

  3. i guess there migrane headaches ya can take painkillers and then have another problem or if u have been taking painkillers (codine) and withdrawing then thats why u have headaches. catch 22

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