
Why do I get turned on by tickling? am i weird? am i alone?

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Why do I get turned on by tickling? am i weird? am i alone?




  1. Tickling is incredibly erotic because

    of the feeling of being helpless to stop

    laughing by the victim and the feeling of

    power and sexual control by the tickler.

    When I'm tickled by guys I get really

    horny. Girls I just laugh but that's it.

    BTW I had a really great b/f years ago

    named Vandy who used to tie me up

    and tickle me silly, and we both got

    awesome turned on by it.

  2. you are most certainly not alone. there are huge internet communities for tickling. and not just p**n sites, there are real ones with friendly admins and stuff.

  3. No, you are not weird and you are certainly not alone. There are many others out there like you. Take the time to do some research on-line and you'll quickly realize that there is a very large tickling community out there. We're everywhere. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Good luck to you.  

  4. alone

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