
Why do I get violently sick every time I get General Anesthesia?

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I wish I could have every surgery done under a spinal or epidural....I hate vomiting for hours after General Anesthia, makes everything 10 times worse!!

I'm a lapband patient which makes vomiting REALLY painful and could cause the band to slip.




  1. Allergy.  If your doctor doesn't listen to you that is grounds for a lawsuit.

  2. Some people just have that reaction, but yours sounds fairly severe.  Have you spoken to the doctor about this?  There are medications for nausea that they can give you.  It may also be possible to use a different anesthesia.

  3. Everyone has different reactions to anesthesia.  Do you mention that you get violently sick to your doctor before you get the anesthesia?

  4. You may be allergic. Talk to your doctor about other options.

  5. You could be allergic, or it may be that your body reacts with nausea to anything that mimics the feel of motion.  Think about it, some folks who get seasick often have issues with sedatives and such.  Sometimes, it's just the feeling of drifting that leads to nausea.

    But for whatever reason, GA doesn't work well for you.  There are or may be times that your health needs over-ride this issue, but it's something that you certainly need to share with your doctor and anesthesiologists.  Certainly there are some common grounds out there.

    As for the person who cranked out the "grounds for a lawsuit", there's a perfect example of one of healthcare today's worst problems.  Knee jerk reaction to any issue - lawsuit.  Silly, pointless and it will eventually lead to lessening of services.  OK, off my soapbox for now.

    John Jones, M.D.

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