
Why do I get weak in the knees and feel funny???

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I started my first period in march and have only had it like 3 times, on the fourth time about a month ago, I tried using a tampon coz I didnt like the way pads felt with a med-heavy flow. Now I have never been scared or anything at the sight of blood but when i took the tampon out and sometimes this happens with pads too, I feel al weak in the knees and it feels weird that all the blood coming out of me doesnt even hurt. I dont faint of anything but its just plain weird for me and yh.




  1. That used to happen to me too.  I would freak out and be like "That came from inside me? How can that be healthy?" But, it is.  I think you just get used to it after a while.

  2. You have to know that it is not technically blood like when you cut your finger, its actually dead build up and some actual blood (which are veins there to support a child) but this sloths off just like dead skin cells or hair, just in a more invasive place.

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